civil war

i don’t know who you are, but i want to have a family with you.
i want our kid to be happy. i don’t want them to know any hatred.
isn’t that what every parent wants?

you’ll want that happy family too, whenever you’re here.
we’ll be good parents,
we’ll raise our kid in a kinder world,
a world with less violence,
no hatred rooted in ignorance,
we’ll be a happy family together.

and i think i’m foolish for believing in that.
it’s what my parents wanted for me,
they wanted a kinder world for me.
but the world isn’t kinder.
who raises a child to hate?

when civil war comes i’ll throw myself in with the masses
to kill and kill like an animal.
slaughter the pigs,
they were never human anyway,
raised only to hate, like a machine
i’ll kill all the way up to the top.
you'll hate seeing it end up like this.
friends killing friends,
family killing family,
maybe it's just human nature.

i want one earth to share with you.
i’ll fight for that earth, and when they kill me, finally,
i hope we can have that family somewhere else.
the universe wants us to have that family,
no hatred,
no violence.
but we can’t get there peacefully. i’m sorry, love, i fight for you.